Sunday, October 7, 2007

Hardships . . . .

Problems and things we deem to complain about are all relative. You can’t compare a starving destitute African child’s problems with that of a semi hard luck middle class American white child. More so, you can’t compare any problems or complaints from any number of people at all. A person’s life experiences and how these experiences are handled are vastly different from yours even if they seem similar in many ways. On the surface, the way someone describes a problem and what brought them to this problem will be viewed by someone else as possibly foreign and/or possibly relatable. But deep down is where thought, feeling, and rationale lie. And these are things we can never truly relate to, because people are like snowflakes, they’re all constructed differently. We all have to handle things differently based on what life has given us and what we’ve given life. Your problems are just as equal as the one’s you feel as though you shouldn’t ever feel as though you could in good conscience relate them to.
What I’m saying is, the hardships between any number of people no matter how inconsequential or how vast between each other you think they are, are entirely and truly relative. Because they are YOUR problems, that happened in YOUR life, based on YOUR experiences, and based on YOUR own path of destiny or free will.
Why am I writing this? Well, my friend got arrested the other day. My other friend’s mom died. Another friend had his long time girlfriend break up with him. Another friend is having a baby. Another friend is paralyzed from the waist down…and I’m about to write a blog post because I get sad when people go away to college because I never had that opportunity. I suppose I wrote what I did, to justify my “selfish” feelings. Because I firmly think that everyone’s problems ARE equal and we shouldn’t ever feel ashamed that we have a problem we want to complain about even if it’s not comprabable in terms of how ‘serious’ the situation is.

1 comment:

mainitnasabaw said...

a quasi-philosophical blog, this is.

welcome to the blogosphere bro!

keep blogging.

it nourishes the 'inner soul.'